
Once you own your Team and Players and have them aligned and ready to play, you'll be able to play Matches with your Team by joining a League.

Any Team starts at the lowest level of Leagues called Copper League. To join a League of the Copper level you'll need just to add your Team to any of the available ones (it is free to access).

How it works

Matches in Tiki Token are fully automated and they are based in probabilities. A serie of events happen during a game following a set of different probabilities, based on the previous event and the situation of the Match.

Each Match it's finally composed of 90 events (1 per minute of playing). Every time a new Event happens, the Player owning the ball at that time might face an opponent. Depending on the attributes of each one, it will be more or less probable to lose the ball and, in that case, it's turn for the other Team to attack.

This way, the better are your Players, the more chances they have of steal the ball often and, consequently, make more goals during Matches and finally win the Match.

At the end of the Match, the winning Team gets 3 points while the losing Team gets 0. In case of a draw, both Teams sum up 1 point and the League rank is updated.

Last updated